"For more than a year now, we have been researching how we might better position the BBN partnership with agencies in the region," said Annette Fernandes-Poyser, BBN executive director. "What we have seen is that more B2B companies—particularly in the technology, energy and healthcare industries—are focusing on expanding their operations in Central and Eastern Europe and are looking for marketing agencies who know the environment and can provide localized support."
The initiative will be led by BBN Czech Republic Partner, Marco. The team at Marco will focus their efforts on raising awareness of BBN in the region as well as coordinate the recruitment of new partners.
"We are pleased to be leading this effort on behalf of BBN," said Pavel Marek, managing director, Marco (BBN Czech Republic). "We have seen a positive impact on our agency since joining BBN more than 20 years ago and we want other agencies in the region to experience the same benefits we have."
BBN aims to recruit new agency partners who focus on B2B marketing from Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Georgia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monte Negro, Macedonia, Albania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Greece.
"A number of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe are among the fastest-growing economies in the world," said Petr Marek, executive director, Marco (BBN Czech Republic). "Adding new partners will allow us to respond to client challenges by providing insightful, creative and effective campaigns that are carefully tailored to their operating regions."
According to a press release sent to the Budapest Business Journal, BBN's approach is based on identifying integrated delivery teams, which have in-depth industry experience, technical and creative competencies, as well as geographic coverage. By drawing on an extensive and diverse global talent pool with a variety of highly specialized skill sets from our global partners, BBN is able to give clients a one-agency experience.
BBN partners employ more than a thousand B2B specialists working in 52 offices spanning 30 countries, and it has more than 300 clients from 23 different B2B sectors generating in excess of USD 172 million in global billings.