(Image: Pixabay)

Approximately 9% of respondents said they are planning to purchase an EV or a plug-in hybrid regardless of the price. Still, price remains the most significant factor (40%) deterring Hungarians from buying EVs, along with concerns regarding range (28%). Only 35% find it appropriate to pay more for an electric car than for a diesel or petrol one, even if it is compensated by lower maintenance costs.

“Domestic customers are increasingly conscious, which will be further strengthened by the spreading of new traffic solutions, such as car sharing and minute-based car rentals,” says Ákos Demeter, EY Hungary advisory partner.

“Generally, we use a car during 5% of its lifespan. For the next generation, it will be natural… to be able to choose from numerous options more favorable than buying a new or a used car.”

About one-third of those surveyed believe that self-driving vehicles will become common in the next 15 years, yet most would never even think about buying such a car.

Only the younger generation between the ages of 20 and 29 would consider switching to such cars, while some 60% of more experienced drivers say it is out of question.