Representatives of the partner company will visit Hungary in October. Huawei wants its partner to set up a manufacturing plant in Hungary and supply spare parts to Huawei plants in Cserkút near Pécs and Komárom. Huawei has been active in Hungary since 2004 and has invested about €50 million in the period. The company’s output in Hungary doubled both in 2010 and in 2011 and could expand by a further 40-50% to $1.7-1.8 billion this year, the CEO said. Most of the production goes to export. They also expand the logistic centre (ELC) set up at Biatorbágy and Üllő, near Budapest last year, Gavin Dai told the daily. Total area of ELC will grow from 25,000sqm to 30,000sqm. Their plans include R+D too, and they have contacted several universities in Hungary.