Mátyás Gereben, country manager of CPI Hungary; Balázs Berecz, founder of Access4You
The certificate has been granted to a major part of the companyʼs portfolio, for example the Campona and Pólus shopping centers in Budapest.
During the qualification process, the compliance and performance of buildings were evaluated according to a strict international methodology. Both the office and commercial portfolio of CPI Hungary, with a total surface of almost 295,000 square meters, was audited according to the requirements of people with special needs.
According to the press release, people with special needs in this case include people in wheelchairs or with reduced mobility, the elderly, pregnant women, women with baby carriages, the deaf or hard of hearing, blind and partially sighted people, as well as people with cognitive deficiencies.
According to Mátyás Gereben, country manager of CPI Hungary, nowadays it should be a basic requirement to ensure free movement for people with disabilities in properties owned by them.
Balázs Berecz, founder of Access4You, added that his company places particular emphasis on the assessment of locations and premises necessary for everyday life, taking into account the interests of people with disabilities.
Access4You says that people with special needs should have the same life as everyone else, as allowed by their circumstances. According to the company, special needs should not be a separating, but an integrative purpose.