The government previously announced plans to roll out the card, which will combine Hungariansʼ social security and tax cards. The biometric card will have eSIGN, eID and ePASS functions, according to the bill. It may also be used for some public transport services.
The card will cost HUF 1,500 for Hungarians who replace their old identification cards within 60 days of their expiry and will be free of charge for Hungarians under 18 years of age and those over 65.
The estimated cost to produce each card is listed in the bill at HUF 5,000. The cards can also be personalized within the framework of a contract between the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services (KEKKH) and ANY Security Printing Company valid until August 31, 2017. The bill also contains amendments to the law on the security of electronic information at state and local government institutions.