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The site will now show the age, gender and underlying health condition(s) of those who have died of the disease, the Coronavirus Press Center said on the governmentʼs website.

Until now, only the number of COVID-19 deaths has been displayed on the site, although some other details of the deceased have been mentioned in releases.

The site may be offline for a few hours on Tuesday as the new data is added. The press center said a breakdown of coronavirus data by county would also be published soon on the site.

The center also noted that the actual number of those infected with the novel coronavirus in Hungary could be many times that of the identified number of cases as there is group spread in the country.


The updated website data show all but one of the COVID-19 deaths in Hungary were cases with underlying health conditions. The case for which there was no data available was an 80-year-old male.

The deaths of people with COVID-19 who were under the age of 65 include a 59-year-old woman with a kidney transplant who had diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and ischemic heart disease; a 53-year-old man with cardiovascular disease; a 41-year-old woman with high blood pressure; and a 38-year-old man with chronic pancreatitis and alcohol-related liver disease.

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