Opening remarks will be delivered by Zoltán Gyenes, economic analyst and European Semester Officer at the Representation of the European Commission in Hungary.

The main, roundtable discussion will feature Dániel Palotai, chief economist and executive director at the National Bank of Hungary (MNB); Paula Costa, head of the European Policy and Governance Department at the Office for Economic Policy and International Affairs, Ministry of Finance of the Portuguese Republic; Paweł Tokarski, senior associate of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP); and Antti Ronkainen, PhD researcher in political economy at the University of Helsinki.

The event, held in English, will be moderated by Tamás Molnár, research fellow of the KKI. The program will start at 4 p.m. on February 7 at KKI (1016 Budapest, Bérc utca 13-15).

Prior registration is required at the KKI website.