Only the Russians and Bulgarians are less happy than Hungarians are, the ten-point scale completed by 34,000 people found. With ten counting as happiest, the 1,500 Hungarians who filled out the form averaged 6.4 points, well below the European average of 7.21 points.

The Danes and Swiss came out as happiest with 8.33 and 8.11 points, respectively. The Hungarian mood has deteriorated since the last such survey was made, in 2005. At that time, Hungarians rated 6.48 points.

The happiest Hungarians were college educated, lived in the western part of the country and were between the ages of 18 and 39. This group scored 6.59 points, while middle-aged people with only a primary education and residing in the southeast scored only 6.0. (MTI-Econews)