Orbán announces the governmentʼs decision on the initiated referendum today. (Photo: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák)
Orbán said the questions being put forward will ask citizens whether they believe the European Union should force Hungary to accept non-Hungarian citizens without the governmentʼs approval. The leader said that those who vote “no” on the referendum support Hungaryʼs independence by disapproving of the EU’s quota plan. Orbán added that the referendum is also about the loyalty of Hungarians as Hungarian people can only prove their loyalty to their country and government if they are asked about such important decisions as a quota plan.
“The EU has no right to make decisions that could change the lives of people, without asking them,” Orbán said. He added that the quota plan would redesign the ethnic and religious makeup of Hungary, and no European authority has the right to make such a decision. To do so is an “abuse of power”, the prime minister said.
In response to a question in connection with the events that took place yesterday at the National Election Office (NVI) in connection with the referendum on the Sunday closings law, Orbán said that it clearly showed that legislation needs to be changed, and asked the NVI to propose suggestions.