Petr Ivanek told newspaper Gazeta Prawna that ČEZ, which owns the 492MW coal-fired power plant Skawina in Poland, will decide on the precise location of the new units, one a 400MW and the other an 800MW plant, by the middle of next year. “There is a possibility that we will build a new unit in Skawina, but we are also considering other locations,” Ivanek told the newspaper. “For example, we are considering the construction of a new plant where there may be potential for a large presence of wind farms,” he added.
ČEZ has yet to decide on the type of units it wants to build but does not rule out a joint project with one of Poland’s coal mining companies to secure coal supplies, Ivanek said. “The Polish coal industry doesn’t have money for investments, so we will offer the coal mining companies at least the possibility of financing investments in new deposits in exchange for guarantees of future supplies,” Ivanek said.
Poland must build new plants or it will suffer a capacity deficit of up to 6% in 2008-2014 as demand for power outgrows supply, the local energy regulator said last week. (Reuters)