Since spring 2006 the ratio of those supporting EU membership has declined by 10 percentage points, to 39%, compared to the EU average of 53%, the survey showed. 41% of Hungarian respondents, 11 percentage points fewer than last spring, said that EU membership was beneficial for the country (EU-25: 54%). But widespread confidence remains among Hungarians in EU institutions, with 60% expressing trust in the European Commission and 65% in the European Parliament (as against the EU averages of 48% and 52%, respectively).

73% of Hungarians would support a common foreign policy (EU: 68%), and 81% are in favor of a joint defense policy (EU: 75%). 65% of respondents advocated a further enlargement of the European Union as against the EU average of 46%. 89% of Hungarians find the current EU approach to crime overly tolerant (EU: 85%), 74% call for greater social equality (EU: 64%), 18% support gay marriage (EU: 44), and 13% would legalize soft drugs (EU: 26%). (