In January–September 2020, 69,543 children were born, 4.9% or 3,251 more than the number of births in January–September 2019. Within this, the number of live births was 8.8% more in January–February, 2.3% more in March–May, 9.1% more in June and 3.7% more in July–September compared to the corresponding periods of 2019.
The total fertility rate was estimated at 1.56 per female, compared with 1.48 for the first nine months of 2019.
Number of births and deaths both increased in September
In September 2020 alone, 8,442 children were born, 5.9% or 470 more than in September 2019. Some 10,133 people lost their lives, 3.9% or 378 more than a year earlier.
The number of births rose to a higher extent than the number of deaths, and due to this the natural decrease over the month was 1,691, which was a decline of 5.2% on 1,783 in September 2019.
The number of marriages went up; 8,948 couples got married, 2.9% or 256 more than in the same month of the previous year.
There were 94,494 deaths, 3.3% less or 3,248 fewer than one year earlier. About 13% less people died in January–February, 0.7% less in May and 2% less in June–August, while 1.8% more in March–April and 3.9% more in September than a year earlier.
As a result of the decline in the number of deaths and the rise in the number of births, the natural decrease was 24,951, which was 21% less compared to 31,450 in January–September 2019.
Some 53,774 couples got married, which was 3.1% or 1,613 more marriages. 101% more marriages were registered in January–March and 8.9% more in April, 15% less in May-August, and 2.9% more again in September than in the corresponding periods of 2019.
There were 9.5 live births and 12.9 deaths per thousand population, KSH says. The former was 0.4 per mille point higher and the latter 0.5 per mille point lower compared to the period of January–September 2019. As a result of all this, the 3.4 per mille rate of the natural decrease was 0.9 per mille point lower than one year earlier. The number of infant deaths was 3.4 per thousand live births in January–September 2020, which was 0.4 per mille point less than in January–September of the previous year. The marriage rate was 7.4 per mille, 0.2 per mille point more compared to the same period of 2019.
The number of births went up in all regions compared to the same period of the previous year, except for the 1.2% decrease registered for Budapest. The highest growths were in Northern Great Plain and Southern Transdanubia (9.9% and 9.2%, respectively) and the lowest one in Central Transdanubia (3.5%).
The number of deaths decreased in all regions except in Budapest, where 0.7% more people died. The highest decline of 6.4% occurred in Northern Hungary and the lowest decreases in Western and Central Transdanubia (1.0% and 1.6%, respectively).
The natural decrease grew in Budapest – owing to a decline in the number of births and a rise in the number of deaths there –, by 5.3%, and lessened in the rest of the regions. The largest decreases were measured for Pest Region and Northern Great Plain (53% and 49%, respectively), and the lowest ones for Central and Western Transdanubia (11% each).
The number of marriages went down in Budapest, by 13%, and rose in the remaining regions. The highest growths occurred in Southern and Northern Great Plain (14% and 11%, respectively), and the lowest one in Western Transdanubia (2.9%).