A total of 7,302 children were born in January 2021, which was 9.8% less or 793 fewer than in the first month of 2020. The total fertility rate was estimated at 1.47 per female per month, compared with the value of 1.61 calculated for the same period of the previous year.

Some 12,916 people lost their lives, which was 9.6% or 1,136 more than a year earlier.

The higher growth may be due to the deaths caused by COVID-19, as well as the influenza epidemic peaking at a lower level in January last year compared to previous years, KSH notes.

The number of deaths rose and that of births went down, as a result of which the natural decrease grew by 52% and was 5,614 in the first month of 2021 as opposed to 3,685 in January 2020.

The number of marriages slightly decreased; 2,780 couples got married, which was 2.9% less or 83 fewer than in January 2020.

There were 8.8 live births and 15.6 deaths per 1,000 population. The former was 0.9 per mille point lower and the latter 1.4 per mille points higher than one year earlier. As a result, the rate of natural decrease was up from 4.5 per mille in January 2020 to 6.8 per mille in January 2021. The number of infant deaths was 2.9 per 1,000 live births in January 2021, which was 0.1 per mille point less than the value for the same month of the previous year. The marriage rate was 3.4 per mille, 0.1 per mille point less than a year earlier.