The consumer price index (CPI) fell 0.8% year-on-year in December, following a 1.1% decrease in November.

Compared to the previous year, the consumer price index was affected the most by the decline in prices of motor fuel. Diesel fuel prices declined 25.7% and petrol prices fell 12.5%. Prices for transportation decreased 7.3% annually in December and those of communication fell 2.1%. Prices for clothing and footwear fell 1.4% and those in hotels, cafes and restaurants decreased 1.8%. On month, consumer prices remained unchanged in December, after a 0.1% rise in the previous month.

Prices for motor fuels had the biggest impact on the consumer prices, as diesel fuels and petrol were cheaper by 17.0% and 6.4%, respectively, leading analyst at the Tallinn-based agency, Viktoria Trasanov, said.