Average gross earnings were HUF 445,600, when excluding fostered workers. Average net earnings including tax benefits rose to HUF 298,100.

Both average gross earnings and average net earnings excluding tax benefits grew equally, by 8.7%. Net earnings including tax benefits rose by 8.1% compared to the same period of 2020, KSH notes.

Average gross regular earnings (gross earnings without premiums and one-month bonuses) were estimated at HUF 397,900, which was 8.5% higher than in March 2020.

Average gross earnings at HUF 420,200 in January-March

Full-time employees’ average gross earnings stood at HUF 420,200 (HUF 430,800 excluding fostered workers) in January-March 2021. Average net earnings were HUF 279,400 excluding tax benefits, and HUF 287,600 including them.

Both average gross earnings and average net earnings without tax benefits rose by 9.4%, average net earnings including tax benefits increased by 9.0% compared to the first three months of 2020.

Average gross earnings were the highest in information and communication (HUF 727,000) and the lowest (HUF 251,200) in accommodation and food service activities.

Gross average earnings reached HUF 434,100 in the business sector, HUF 393,400 in the budgetary sector, and HUF 369,700 at non-profit organizations representing growths of 8.5%, 12.6% as well as 8.5%, compared to the same period of the previous year.

Due to planned wage raises in certain government branches – including the pay raise of doctors, judges and prosecutors, and employees of nurseries – the growth of average wages in the budgetary sector exceeded that of the national economy, the statistical agency said.

Full-time employees’ average gross earnings amounted to HUF 457,600 for men and to HUF 384,000 for women, representing increases of 9% for men and 10% for women within one year.

Average gross regular earnings stood at HUF 391,800 in January-March 2021, these were 9.3% higher than a year before.

Along with the 3.2% rise in consumer prices compared to the same period of the previous year, real earnings increased by 6%.