To avoid unused stocks of vaccines from hitting expiration date, Romania recently secured a deal with Ireland. The Irish prime minister posted on his Twitter account a message announcing an agreement with Romania for the purchase of 700,000 additional doses of COVID-19 vaccines, provided directly from Pfizer, in the form of a redistribution of doses originally ordered by Romania.

Prior to the deal with Ireland, Romania also sold another 1.1 million doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine to Denmark. As vaccination numbers drop, Romanian authorities also have donated nearl y half a million vaccines to the neighboring Moldova, as well to Serbia and Ukraine.

Bulgaria is also donating its unused vaccines mainly to neighboring western Balkan countries. Romania officials announced that 25% (5,024,979) of the population has received at least one dose of vaccine. At EU level, only Bulgaria is in a worse spot, with 17.3% of its population vaccinated.