According to data released by NASA, in February last year the average global temperature at ground level was 1.35 degrees Celsius higher than the average between 1951 and 1980. One of the main risks for the next decade is that humanity will not be able to reduce or adapt to the effects of climate change, according to a press release sent by the Generali insurance group to the Budapest Business Journal.

Last year, the most devastating damage inflicted on the agriculture sector in Hungary was by hail and fire. Generali paid compensation amounting to HUF 120 million to one single farmer for damage caused by hail. Storms and frost also caused significant damage to farmers, the insurer added.

Apart from insurance, Generali recommends selecting plants that are resistant both against cold but also against pests, which can survive winter if the temperature does not drop low enough. While the situation is not yet critical, farmers should take the necessary precautions in due time, including insurance, which can be customized according to various parameters, Generali noted.