Assets in money market funds fell 1.5% on withdrawals worth HUF 19.5 bln. Assets in bond funds declined by 1% as withdrawals from the funds came to HUF 14.4 bln.
Mixed funds attracted HUF 4.8 bln in fresh capital in July. Assets in the funds grew by 0.7%. Share funds drew fresh funds valued at HUF 2.3 bln; assets in the funds edged up 0.3%. Assets in capital-guaranteed funds fell 1% on withdrawals of HUF 3.5 bln.
Absolute-yield funds attracted HUF 5 bln in fresh funds. Assets in the funds edged up by 0.5%. Assets in property funds rose 1.8% as the funds drew fresh capital of HUF 4.5 bln.