Speaking at an out-of-town meeting of MPs of the Fidesz-KDNP alliance, Máté Kocsis said the prime minister had asked MPs to support the NATO accession of Sweden and Finland, but Fidesz MPs were "very divided" on the matter.

A number of MPs argued that Swedish and Finnish politicians had "publicly insulted" Hungary on a number of occasions in recent years "and now are asking a favor", he added.

Sending a delegation will neither extend nor postpone the process in which parliament weighs the ratification of the two countries' NATO accession, he added.

Kocsis said the Fidesz-KDNP parliamentary group is submitting a political declaration to parliament expressing commitment to peace. The declaration condemns Russia's military aggression, recognizes Ukraine's right to self-defense, and rejects "Brussels' sanctions", while pointing out the importance of continuing to help Ukrainian refugees as well as the serious impact of the war on the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia, in the west of Ukraine.