Viktor Rashnikov, the head of MMK, Russia’s largest ferrous industry company said the plant would be built in Ohio. “We are flying out for further negotiations as soon as September 17 to talk to the Ohio governor,” he said. He said a number of agreements essential to the project’s implementation had been signed, but that not all approvals have been received yet. He said the company was waiting for the environmental committee’s permission, and said he hoped the company would obtain all necessary approvals before the end of the year.
The Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works, located in Magnitogorsk, in the Chelyabinsk Region, performs the complete production cycle from preparation of iron ore materials to high value-added processing of steel. The MMK share on the Russian market of steel products is some 20%.
In 2006, MMK produced 12.5 million metric tons of crude steel and 11.3 million metric tons of commercial steel products, with a net profit of $1.4 billion. The main MMK beneficiary is Viktor Rashnikov, who owns 85.55% of the company. (