Eurostat data show that in 2016, the amount of waste generated across the EU member states was 480 kilograms per person, some 3 kg less than in 2015, and 9% less than in 2002, when a record amount of 527 kg per person was produced.
The survey shows that the highest level of waste generation in 2016 was in Denmark, at 777 kg/person, followed by Malta (647 kg), Cyprus (640 kg), Germany (626 kg), and Luxembourg (614 kg).
The lowest amount of waste generated per capita was 261 kg in Romania, followed by Poland (307 kg), the Czech Republic (339 kg), Slovakia (348 kg), and Estonia (376 kg). These figures were all well below the EU average of 480 kg, as was Hungaryʼs figure of 379 kg, which placed it as the sixth lowest generator of trash in the EU.
Trash is handled in various ways in EU member states, the survey also shows. In total in the EU in 2016, around 30% of waste was recycled, 27% incinerated, 25% deposited at garbage dumps, and 17% composted.
Eurostat data reveal that the proportion of waste either recycled or composted has steadily grown, from 17% in 1995 to 46% in 2016.
Member states that score particularly well in terms of waste recycling include Germany (66%), Austria (59%), Belgium (54%), the Netherlands (53%), and Italy (51%).
In Hungary, more than one-quarter of municipal waste generated is recycled, noted state news wire MTI. Including composting, the rate stands at over one-third.
For the EU-28, the recycling rate stands at 29% of municipal waste generated. Including composting, the rate is close to 46%.