The wine festival at the Danubius Hotel Gellért will feature a wide range of drinks from rich wines to beer and an abundant selection of dishes. The host of the wine dinners this year will be Krisztián Nyáry, author of the book “Így szerettek ők” (“This is how they loved”). 

The best of Hungarian wineries and gastro providers will be represented in the halls of the restaurant, while music will be provided by bands Lóci játszik and The Biebers.

The St. Martinʼs Day events at Gellért will be kicked off by a beer festival once again. The unique suite restaurant – an iconic offer from the hotel – will also once again welcome diners in a deluxe apartment setting offering a magnificent view, where famous guest previously accommodated include Jane Fonda, the king of Nepal, Kirk Douglas and Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. 

There will also be a “literature wine dinner”, while the St. Martin Day festivity is closed by the Sunday brunch, as is now traditional.

Day zero starts on Thursday with a boutique beer festival called “This is how you drink beer”, with beer selections of the best craft breweries setting the ground for the festival.

Champagne selection

At the “This is how you drink champagne” exclusive dinner, the premium category menu of Ádám Barna, executive chef of the St. Andrea Restaurant, will be served in Gellértʼs suite restaurant. Champagne expert Anett Varró-Turóczi will introduce the champagne selection matching the dishes, guiding guests through the history of the drinks of kings and literature.

The six course fine dining supper features goose liver terrine with quince and ground walnut, cauliflower variations with chestnut and truffle, stuffed gooseneck with cabbage, as well as rib confit – just to mention a few dishes.

Krisztián Nyáry will be the chef and host of the “This is how you cook” wine dinner, welcoming lovers of gastronomy around set tables with creative dishes and matching wines, seasoned with themes drawn from literature.

Finally, on Sunday the “This is how you eat” St. Martin’s Day Sunday brunch will also present the favourite goose dishes of the Karinthy family.

Further details and ticket prices are available at