The march started at 3 p.m. on the Pest quey. The people marched past the Parliament, with the event ending at Szabadság tér.

The event featured multiple speeches about the so-called "Child Protection Referendum" held earlier this year. Luca Dudits, representing Háttér Society, and Amnesty International Hungary's Dávid Vig said that "no matter how they try to list and silence us, we will persevere".

Edward Reese, representating Kyiv Pride appeared dressed in yellow and blue, asking everyone to help Ukraine in its war against Russia. He noted that members of the Ukrainian LGBTQ community are fighting and dying on the frontlines every day.

Felemlegették a melegellenessé eltérített pedofiltörvényt, majd azt mondták, „bárhogy is próbálnak listázni, elhallgattatni, mi kitartunk”.

While the march ended without major incidents, a few dozens of protesters hurled insults at the participants and they also put up a banner on Margaret Bridge saying "Stop LGBTQ Pedophilia". In addition, an anti-LGBTQ protester managed to enter Szabadság tér but was escorted out by the police.