Mercedes-Benz Hungária Kft. again hosted the annual charitable event, at which the German auto manufacturer donates HUF 10,000 for each guest attending. The two Mercedes drivers also offered personal belongings for auction, and between them HUF 4 mln was raised.

“I am extremely happy to be able to help the conscientious work of the International Childrenʼs Safety Service through our event,” said Edina Kozári, marketing and PR manager of Mercedes-Benz Hungária. “I think that, as a responsible company, this kind of activity is the most effective way to support this special charity. I would also like to thank the NGYSZ colleagues for the tireless and sacred work they are doing for the health and future of children.”

Cooperation between Mercedes-Benz and the children’s charity dates back more than 25 years. As a result of the countless fundraising events, the company says it has donated over HUF 120 million to the organization.

One of the most interesting moments of this event came when Valtteri Bottas surprised everyone by reading out the numbers for the raffle in Hungarian without an accent, and then was remarkably modest in talking about his excellent results for the season.