Vodafone Hungary CEO Amanda Nelson with award-winner Albert-László Barabási

The physicist is best known for his network theory-related research, authoring several publications such as “Linked: The New Science of Networks.” The award was presented by Vodafone Hungary CEO Amanda Nelson.

“As the CEO of a company operating in a network-based industry, I am especially pleased that on the very first occasion I can hand over ‘The Future is Exciting’ award to a Hungarian scientist who created something of global significance in network research,” she said.

“As Vodafone Hungary’s strapline states, the operator believes that the future is exciting,” Vodafone said in a press release, detailing the reasons for creating the award. “It is innovation that makes it truly exciting, which is driven largely by science. In order to reinforce this mindset, the company has introduced an award to recognize the work of people who think similarly; role models who contributed to the advancement of the world with their outstanding scientific life achievements, allowing us to look forward to the future with real excitement.”